Dr. O stands for
Dr. Ozdemir practices integrative medicine to focus on the root cause of your medical needs.
Our out of network fees are cheaper than your insurance based deductibles.
We are available 24/7 for all your healthcare needs and offer in-person, on the phone, and telemedicine.
Our Physicians and Nurse Practitioners have all been trained under Dr. Ozdemir's techniques and methodologies.
We can address your medical needs on a consultation basis. For life threatening emergencies, please call 911.
Our practice has state of the art medical equipment used by thought leaders in integrative care practice.
Dr. Aylin Ozdemir
Dr. Aylin Ozdemir’s focus and dedication are to provide her patients with the best possible care. Dr.O Care specializes in Family Wellness, General Pediatric Care, 24/7 availability, Autism, Lyme Disease, and PANDAS. Always entirely focused on helping you and your family overcome medical challenges and increasing your quality of life by using the principles of Integrative Medicine.
Dr. Ozdemir has been practicing for 3 decades.
received from some of the leading medical institutions worldwide.
Dr. Ozdemir has received extensive media coverage on her integrative care methodology.
three decades of care has produced thousands of satisfied patients.
We’re a Highly Professional and Skilled Integrative Care Team
Over a century of combined knowledge in the integrative care space makes Dr. O care the ideal practice to help you with all your medical needs.
At Dr. O Care our providers are on call 24/7
Our Practice hours are:
8 AM-5 PM Monday – Friday, 9-noon Saturday
24/7 Telemedicine
We are always looking for good and talented people to join our practice. Send us a note, tell us about yourself and attach your resume. You will hear back from us soon.
We offer an easy way to select your available time and provider for the medical issues you need care for.
We offer friendly reminders of time and location plus all the needed forms so your visit is smooth and stressless.
Please arrive 10-15 min before your scheduled consultation.
We provide good and efficient aftercare support
1102 Florida A1A,
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Contact us anytime